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VIP Portal | Support [Instant]

Simply choose from 1 of 4 options to get a solution in under 2 minutes.

[1] VIP Customer Escalation

VIP Customer Support Escalation | 1-Click Form[~ 2 mins to complete form]hi bestie :) fill out this VIP customer feedback form & we will get back to you in less than 24-48 hours →[3.5h avg. team response time]

[2] VIP Influencer Escalation

[individual influencer outreach done on a case-by-case basis]

[3] VIP Bulk Order Escalation

[individual customer outreach done on a case-by-case basis. our minimum initial order quantity (1000+ units) is in effect until August 2023.]

[4] VIP Apply To Work Here

[ individual application outreach done on a case-by-case basis, applications reviewed by our team on the 28th of each month. ]